Query Execution

Overview of query types with examples

For detailed information and description of below handlers - please look at JavaDoc.

QueryRunnerService is core part of the system and is responsible for actual SQL query execution

QueryRunnerService provides 4 execution types:

1. batch allows executing few queries in one batch

Executes 2 queries in one batch.
QueryRunnerService runner = MjdbcFactory.getQueryRunner(dataSource);
// executes 2 queries in one batch.
runner.batch(INSERT_STUDENT_TABLE_W_PARAMS, new Object[][] {new Object[] {"not me"}, new Object[] {"not me either"}})

2. update allows updating database tables/values (SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE queries)

Inserts new row into table Students
String INSERT_STUDENT_TABLE = "INSERT INTO students (name, address) VALUES ('Not me', 'unknown')";
QueryRunnerService runner = MjdbcFactory.getQueryRunner(dataSource);
// inserts new row into table Students
runner.update(DBConstants.INSERT_STUDENT_TABLE, new RowCountOutputHandler<Integer>(), new Object[0])

3. query allows querying database tables/values (SQL SELECT queries)

Searches for Student with id = 1. Result row is returned as Map
QueryRunnerService runner = MjdbcFactory.getQueryRunner(dataSource);
// searches for Student with id = 1. Result row is returned as Map
Map<String, Object> result = runner.query(DBConstants.SELECT_STUDENT_TABLE_W_PARAMS, new MapOutputHandler(), 1)

4. call allows executing Stored Procedures/Functions (SQL CALL queries)

Example of invoking Stored Procedure with IN, OUT and INOUT parameters
// :name - IN, :surname - INOUT, :fullname - OUT.		  
String CALL_PROCEDURE_INOUT = "{call TEST_INOUT(:name, :surname, :fullname)}";
QueryRunnerService runner = MjdbcFactory.getQueryRunner(dataSource);
QueryParameters parameters = new QueryParameters();
parameters.set("name", "John", QueryParameters.Direction.IN);
parameters.set("surname", "doe", Types.VARCHAR, QueryParameters.Direction.INOUT);
parameters.set("fullname", null, Types.VARCHAR, QueryParameters.Direction.OUT);

QueryInputHandler input = new QueryInputHandler(DBConstants.CALL_PROCEDURE_INOUT, parameters);

QueryParameters result = (QueryParameters) runner.call(input);
// :surname - should return input as uppercase, :fullname - combines :name and :surname (as uppercase)
// assertEquals("John", result.getValue("name"));
// assertEquals("DOE", result.getValue("surname"));
// assertEquals("John DOE", result.getValue("fullname"));

Overrider allows to override standard(default) functionality

Overrider is working with QueryRunnerService, StatementHandler and TypeHandler

Example of explicitly specifying generated keys columns (is required by Oracle Database)
runner.overrideOnce(MjdbcConstants.OVERRIDE_GENERATED_COLUMN_NAMES, new String [] {"ID"}).update(INSERT_STUDENT_TABLE, handler, new Object[0])
Example of strict statement parameter count control
// by using this we require QueryRunner to throw exception if amount of parameters specified is different than amount of values given.
// by default control is not strict, as InputHandler already performs such control. 
// below might be useful in case you are not using InputHandler to execute queries
runner.override(MjdbcConstants.OVERRIDE_CONTROL_PARAM_COUNT, true);
Example of Lazy cache max size
// set limit of 20 cached elements per one Lazy cache
runner.override(MjdbcConstants.OVERRIDE_LAZY_CACHE_MAX_SIZE, 20);

// specify to keep every element in cache
runner.override(MjdbcConstants.OVERRIDE_LAZY_CACHE_MAX_SIZE, -1);
Example of changing default TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE to TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE for Lazy scrollable output handlers
runner.override(MjdbcConstants.OVERRIDE_LAZY_SCROLL_CHANGE_SENSITIVE, true);

For detailed information and description of below handlers - please look at JavaDoc.

AsyncQueryRunnerService provides possibility of Asynchronous query invocation while actual code execution is performed by QueryRunnerService

Usage of AsyncQueryRunnerService is pretty much the same as QueryRunnerService

1. batch allows executing few queries in one batch

Executes 2 queries in one batch.
AsyncQueryRunnerService runner = MjdbcFactory.getAsyncQueryRunner(MjdbcFactory.getQueryRunner(dataSource), Executors.newCachedThreadPool());
// executes 2 queries in one batch.
runner.batch(INSERT_STUDENT_TABLE_W_PARAMS, new Object[][] {new Object[] {"not me"}, new Object[] {"not me either"}})

2. update allows updating database tables/values (SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE queries)

Inserts new row into table Students
String INSERT_STUDENT_TABLE = "INSERT INTO students (name, address) VALUES ('Not me', 'unknown')";
AsyncQueryRunnerService runner = MjdbcFactory.getAsyncQueryRunner(MjdbcFactory.getQueryRunner(dataSource), Executors.newCachedThreadPool());
// inserts new row into table Students
runner.update(DBConstants.INSERT_STUDENT_TABLE, new RowCountOutputHandler<Integer>(), new Object[0])

3. query allows querying database tables/values (SQL SELECT queries)

Searches for Student with id = 1. Result row is returned as Map
AsyncQueryRunnerService runner = MjdbcFactory.getAsyncQueryRunner(MjdbcFactory.getQueryRunner(dataSource), Executors.newCachedThreadPool());
// searches for Student with id = 1. Result row is returned as Map
Future<Map<String, Object>> result = runner.query(DBConstants.SELECT_STUDENT_TABLE_W_PARAMS, new MapOutputHandler(), 1)

4. call allows executing Stored Procedures/Functions (SQL CALL queries)

Example of invoking Stored Procedure with IN, OUT and INOUT parameters
// :name - IN, :surname - INOUT, :fullname - OUT.		  
String CALL_PROCEDURE_INOUT = "{call TEST_INOUT(:name, :surname, :fullname)}";
AsyncQueryRunnerService runner = MjdbcFactory.getAsyncQueryRunner(MjdbcFactory.getQueryRunner(dataSource), Executors.newCachedThreadPool());
QueryParameters parameters = new QueryParameters();
parameters.set("name", "John", QueryParameters.Direction.IN);
parameters.set("surname", "doe", Types.VARCHAR, QueryParameters.Direction.INOUT);
parameters.set("fullname", null, Types.VARCHAR, QueryParameters.Direction.OUT);

QueryInputHandler input = new QueryInputHandler(DBConstants.CALL_PROCEDURE_INOUT, parameters);

Future<QueryParameters> result = runner.call(input);
// :surname - should return input as uppercase, :fullname - combines :name and :surname (as uppercase)
// assertEquals("John", result.getValue("name"));
// assertEquals("DOE", result.getValue("surname"));
// assertEquals("John DOE", result.getValue("fullname"));

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